Systemic Family Intervention Basic Training in Family Therapy

— Online Mode —

Level 1 - Basic Training

Postgrado de 200 hours

Edición permanente

Basic Training in Family Therapy

— Online Mode —

Postgrado de 200 hours  -  Edición permanente
Start of the course when
the student enrolls


  • The student throughout the course, is guided in the learning process through active and personalized approach. The start of the course is at the time the student has formalized the tuition.
  • The student, once enrolled, receive the password that allows access to the online course website. From that moment has access to the course material. This material consists of: a) 16 Topics extensively explained through text, graphics and animations; b) self-evaluations to assess the degree of knowledge that are acquired; c) Case studies on family intervention; d) Specific exercises on the topics of study; e) Educational Entertainment; f) Evaluations partial knockout of the topics discussed.
  • During the course, the student has a direct channel with his tutor (24 x 7) to ask questions and clarify doubts about the study topics. Likewise, you can participate in the Discussion Forum, where students pose questions, cases, doubts, professional questions, contributions on course topics, etc., and a Chat, in real time, in case you want to interact with classmates and companions.
  • One calendar dates for the delivery of practical exercises and related jobs is set.
  • The course is conducted entirely over the Internet, without attending classes. The student has access to his personal History that lets you be watching your progress in the course through exercises that will deliver and receive corrected.
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